Foot Complaints

Below is a list of common foot complaints:


A Blister is a small pocket of fluid within the upper layers of the skin. Blisters are painful, fluid filled lesions often caused by forceful friction or pressure.A short-term prevention is to place a pad over it to reduce friction against shoes.



Corns are classified as hard or soft. Like calluses, corns are also areas of hard, thick skin. They’re usually made up of a soft yellow ring of skin around a hard, grey centre. They often form on the tops of the toes or in between toes.

Like calluses, corns come from pressure or repeated rubbing of the toes.



Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot is a very common skin condition.It is a fungal infection that can grow and multiply on human skin, especially the feet. It grows best in dark, moist and a warm environment.Athlete’s foot is contagious and may be caught by walking barefoot and even from the shower.

Q: What does Athletes foot look like?
A: In some people the skin between the toes peels, cracks and scales. There may be redness, scaling and even dryness on the soles and along the sides of the feet. Also a sensation of itching and burning of the feet can be present.



Fungal Nails

A Fungal Nail is a condition called “Onychomycosis” caused by tiny organisms, which find their way under the nail, the nail itself provides a protective environment for the fungus to thrive.It is an infection of the bed and plate underlying the surface of a nail.


  • The nail can change colour, often to a yellow/green or darker colour.
  • The nail may thicken, become flaky, brittle and even have an odour.

It is contagious and can pass from nail to nail, or if you are walking barefoot.



Flat Feet

Flat Feet is a structural deformity resulting in the lowering of the arch of the foot.  This is sometimes referred to as fallen arches.

A person with flat foot/feet or highly arched foot that is fairly painful is in need of treatment.

People with flat feet may have ankle, knee or lower back pain




A verruca is simply a small skin lesion, which is commonly found on the bottom surface of the foot. They can just be one verruca or a few, which is known as a cluster.

A verruca is actually a virus. This virus is contagious, but can only be caught by direct contact. So if an infected bare foot walks across a floor surface, it may release virus-infected cells onto the floor. If you then walk on the same floor, you can pick up the virus.

They are harmless, however they can cause a sharp burning pain if you get one on a weight- baring area such as the ball or the heel of the foot.

Do not self- treat if you have diabetes or circulation problems.


  • They appearance is similar to corns but verrucae are more superficial in depth.
  • The surface of the verrucae is covered with black dots that are actually small blood vessels that feed the verrucae.
  • The colour is paler then the usual tone of the skin.
  • Verrucae are usually surrounded by hard skin.

Q: What is the difference between a verruca and a corn?
A: A verruca is a viral infection, whereas a corn or callous are simply layers of dead skin


I feel more agile and supple following the classes. My posture has improved and I am a lot more aware of how I place my feet. The exercises made me feel better in general.